Monday, February 11, 2013

Building Shared Accountability

I believe shared accountability for student learning is one of the essential components of effective schools. But shared accountability doesn't just happen. It must be an integral part of a leader's thinking and planning. Accountability resides in every stakeholder---teachers, administrators, students, families and community.

In a January post I described the COMPASS model for school change that I developed with Barbara Blackburn a few years ago. One of the seven components is shared accountability. Accountability is not issuing mandates and threats to hold people "accountable." It is about energizing and motivating individuals and groups so that they embrace your school's vision and commitment to the learning of each student. Shared accountability, as well as the other six components, is described in detail in our book Rigorous Schools and Classrooms: Leading the Way.

Last week I read an Eye on Education blog about accountability. It suggested 3 steps.
School leaders need to "be in the trenches"and have regular formal and information conversations with teachers about teaching and learning.
Leaders must also protect teacher time so that teachers can work collaboratively with others.
Finally, leaders must promote a healthy balance between professional and personal responsibilities among their staff.

I hope you enjoy the blog from Eye on Education and would enjoy hearing from you about your efforts to build shared accountability.

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